Episode #11: Babes in the Woods - Murdered (1934)
**Graphic** Three children lying on a blanket holding onto one another as if they were sleeping in the woods...only they weren't sleeping.
Episode #11: Babes in the Woods - Murdered (1934)
Episode #10: Beth Lynn Barr - Murdered (1977)
Episode #8: Lauren Maria Pico Jackson - Missing (1988)
Episode #7: Anna Rocknick - Murdered (2005)
Episode #6: Lynne Stansfield & Dale Wolf - Murdered (1993)
Episode # 5: Beth Doe & Baby Jane Doe - Unidentified (1976)- UPDATE: Identified
Episode #3: Anna Maciejewska - Missing (1997)
Bucks County "Jane Doe" - Identified (2021)
Linda Stoltzfoos - Murdered (2020)
Episode #1: Hyun Jong "Cindy" Song - Missing (2001)