Tamara Dawn Porrin was in the eighth grade at DuBois Jr. High in 1986. She was last seen in DuBois, PA (Clearfield County) on the evening of November 22, 1986. The Charley Project website said that she was habitually truant and was often fighting with her parents and running away. Though she had run away in the past, authorities suspect foul play in this case and is considered Endangered Missing.
Birth: 11/23/1971- Death: Unknown
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Sex: Female
Height: 5'0" - Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: Brown - Eye Color: Brown
Other: Nickname: Tammy
Hometown: DuBois, PA - Clearfield County
Crime Scene: Unknown
Last Known Location Alive: DuBois, PA (hometown)
Injury Description: Unknown
Suspect Description: Unknown
Additional Information:
DNA: Available
Dental: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
If you have any information about what happened to Tammy Porrin, contact:
Agency Name: Pennsylvania State Police
Agency Contact Person: Trooper David Ray
Agency Phone Number: 814-938-0532
Agency E-Mail: daray@pa.gov
Agency Case Number: C04-1087207
NCMEC Case Number: NCMC1150268
Beaver County Jane Doe - Unidentified (2014)
In December 2014 a teenager hopped off the school bus and headed home. That day, for whatever reason, he decided to take a detour through the overgrown field along the road. It was there that he made a horrifying discovery. Almost 8 years later what he found still can't be explained.
Age: 50+ - Found: 12/12/2014
Est. Date of Death: Unknown
Ethnicity: Caucasian- Sex: Female
Hair Color: Grey/White - Eye Color: Unknown
Location Found: Economy PA (Beaver County) - Field along Mason Rd
State of Remains: Professionally embalmed (Decapitated) - Nature of Death: Unknown
Injuries: Unknown
Distinguishing Characteristics: 2 moles on face
Clothing/Items Found: None
DNA: Not Available
Fingerprints: Not Available
If you have any information about the identity of Beaver County Jane Doe please call
Economy Police Department: 724-869-7877