It's been 85 years since 2 year-old Jerome wandered away from his home in Tamaqua, PA. Most of his family passed away without ever knowing what happened to him. Will this devastating missing persons case ever be solved?

Birth: 1934/35 - Death: Unknown
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Sex: Male
Hair Color: Blonde or Brown - Eye Color: Brown
Other: Jerome was 2 years old when he went missing
Hometown: Tamaqua, PA - Schuylkill County
Crime Scene: Unknown
Last Known Location Alive: His grandparents' home at 23 Brown St., Tamaqua, some boys playing basketball nearby were reportedly the last people to see him
Injury Description: Unknown
Suspect Description: Unknown
Additional Information: Jerome's last name is frequently misspelled as "Coonen".
DNA: Not available
Dental: Unknown
Fingerprints: Not available