Was Brian Douglas Wells involved in the notorious Pizza Bomber case or was he just an innocent victim?
Brian Douglas Wells
Birth: 11/15/1956 - Death: 11/19/1977
Ethnicity: Caucasion - Sex: Male
Height: Unknown - Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Blading- Eye Color: Unknown
Hometown: Warren, PA (Warren County)
Crime Scene: Multiple Locations. The first is the location the pizza's were to be delivered, 8631 Peach Street, which was a few miles from the Pizzeria. This is where the bomb collar was to be placed around his neck. Next he went to Wells Fargo where he handed over a note the teller demanding $250,000. He was detained by police
Injury Description: The bomb detonated and blew a “fist sized hole in Wells' chest” that killed him instantly.
Additional Information: Marjorie Eleanor "Marge" Diehl-Armstrong, Kenneth Barnes, William Ansel "Bill" Rothstein
DNA: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
If You have any information, no matter how small the detail please contact the
Buzzfeed Unsolved Episode :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63tQ7yGmsmI
Netflix Documentary :: Evil Genius