When does being a kid stop? Is it at 18, when teens gain legal rights like voting and privacy? Or at 21, when they can buy alcohol? Maybe at 25, when they can rent a car, or 26, when they lose their parents’ insurance. The brain isn’t fully developed until 25, affecting judgment. Teens process information with the amygdala (emotions), while adults use the prefrontal cortex (rational thinking). This context helps us understand the unsolved case of Codi “Geno” Joyce, who died at a party on 9/27/2015. Despite known suspects, no arrests have been made due to lack of police involvement and silence among friends.
Codi "Geno" Joyce
Birth: 11/14/1991 – Death: 09/15/2015
Ethnicity: Caucasian Sex: Male
Hometown: Munhall, PA - Allegheny County
Crime Scene: House party at home of Jessica and Daniel Lentz
Last Known Location Alive: House party at friend's house (Jessica Lentz)
Injury Description: multi-system trauma to areas including the head, spine and abdomen
Suspect Description: Suspects/witnesses, who failed to call police, as named in lawsuit settled with the Joyce family: Devin Hinkle, Ryan Sabo, Connor Stevens, Derek R. Marcone, Jessica Lentz and Daniel J. Lentz (homeowner and father of Jessica)
Additional Information: Fight over a hot pocket between Connor Stevens and Codi Joyce was the beginning, with things escalating as other partygoers tried to intervene.